Award-winning nature-based Sustainable Drainage Systems
At R-LA, we believe that considering nature-based Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) at early land acquisition is essential for the success of any project. As designers we believe that water needs to be given space within our cities and countryside which is why SuDS are at the forefront of all of our designs. We understand that a successful project requires a holistic approach that considers the broader context from the outset as this informs both the SuDS strategy and the landscape design.
Did you know that many developers report that SuDS are
used as a selling point for homes and that they can also speed up the planning process
and reduce costs by removing the need to retrofit further down the line?
Early SuDS Design Involvement:
Land Aquisition Stage
Feasibility Design
Sketch Design and Concept Development
All Sectors: Residential, Commercial, Public Realm, and Education.
Treating stormwater close to the surface
Reduce run-off rate
Store water for Irrigation
Amenity, health & Wellbeing
Wildlife Habitat and BNG
Speeds up Planning Approval
CIRIA Four Pillars of SuDS
Award-winning Projects:
Broxbourne, Herfordshire
Uttelsford, Essex