The proposal for Little Easton is an excellent example of a landscape-led scheme. It starts by taking the land and its surroundings into account and then evolves in collaboration with the architectural design. The outcome is a scheme that includes 44 residential units and 3 commercial units. It is designed in a way that is sensitive to its surrounding townscape and landscape and responds to the topography of the Upper Valleyside of the River Chelmer.

The key to this design proposal is that green infrastructure has been incorporated into a multi-functional network within the site. A circular pedestrian route has been designed to guide residents through linear parkland with rain gardens, woodlands and allotment zones. The rain gardens are inter-connected and lead to a main pond as part of the scheme's nature-based SuDS strategy. The route also includes fitness training stations and play features which encourage movement across the site.

The landscape design strategy followed the Building with Nature green infrastructure accreditation - the UK's first green accreditation for which Cristina Refolo is an approved assessor. By using this framework the scheme not only complies with Biodiversity Net Gain but also creates a livable space for people to thrive in and promotes a healthy lifestyle according to the Building for a Healthy Life guidelines.

Little Easton was Highly Commended in the 2024 susdrain Awards. The judges commented:
"A well thought out SuDS design, successfully incorporating many different types of SuDS features into a relatively small development. The project team looked beyond the site boundaries to maximise sustainable drainage impacts."

This is the third consecutive year that R-LA has won this biennial award.


Client: Montare Group
Architects: Torner Architects
Drainage Engineers: Stantec Engineers
Planning consultants: Magenta Planning
Ecologist: Hybrid Ecology

Arboculturalist: Sharon Hosegood Associates
Planning Approval: 2022/2023

Highly Commended Ciria susdrain 2024 SuDS Award

Category: Early Housing Schemes not yet Completed