Refolo Landscape Architects designed communal residential outdoor
spaces and public realm for a new mixed use high-end development
comprising of 134 new homes along Dudden Hill in Brent.
The new scheme is over an existing brownfield
site surrounded by a 'Site of Importance for Nature Conservation
(SINC)'. The landscape and its relationship with the surrounding land
was a predominant factor within the overall design development of the
scheme. The 7m topographical height difference across the site called
for creative strategies to successfully achieve DDA compliance
throughout the site.
Elevated 'canopy boardwalk' walkway raised up to 4m above ground.
Attenuation pond and vegetated swales for surface water treatment and biodiversity.
Dedicated playground areas in excess of 400sqm.
Green amphitheater integrating seating with a variety of landscape features, including trees at various levels.
The scheme has been submitted for Planning.
Client: Harley Properties Investments
Architects: Lynas Architecture
Planning Consultant: DP9